Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It's coming in quite nicely...Corn update

9:50 AM

Monday, April 6, 2015

The corn has officially been planted!

9:00 PM
Our corn has officially been planted for the summer of 2015 growing season!  Papa went out this evening and made sure to get it into the ground before it could rain.  So here's to a happy, hearty corn season 2015!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Raising Chickens!

2:55 PM
There is a lot to know when it comes to raising chickens.  I would have to say, for the last three years that we have had chickens.  We have probably learned something new each year.

First off: 
(1) They've got to be the same age at the same time.
(2) They do not like extreme heat any extreme temperatures of weather (hot or cold).  So there are measures that you have to take for that.

(3) They like to be together...well most of the time.  (I think that all siblings, chickens or not, sqwabble a little, here & there:) 
There's a lot to learn when you are living and raising up the life of the "farm".
I hope that you have enjoyed reading today!
Happy Country Livin'!
The Farmer's Assistant:)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Building Our Chicken Coop

1:07 PM
This past weekend Papa went to town building our coop for our chickens. He built this coop off of a layout that he designed himself! Really:) He looked at some of the dynamics of other designs out there and then combined there measurements for what would work for our space, layout, and number of chickens. I am completely fascinated by his work. I have never seen anything like this. I mean, just to watch him calculate the measurements and even go as far as to note the placement of the railings for his height, seeing that he will be the primary person to move the coop was just absolutely INCREDIBLE.
Take a look at the pics:

Happy Monday to All!
-The Farmer's Assistant:)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Back Blogging...

2:58 PM
I just wanted to take a moment to let our followers know that we have got LOTS that is going on over in our little part of the world and we want YOU to be in on it:)  We've got several new posts that we will be adding to the blog which will correspond with the dates of the events as they have happened.  So when you see a new post, read on, and even go back a little.  There's a lot of fun things that we have to share with you.  Once again....

Happy Sunday from the Sparks Family Farm!

Planting & Plastic

2:53 PM

So here's what we've got going on today!  If you look back at yesterday's post you can see that Don has gotten five of the unplanted rows mounded up.  Today, he's measuring and cutting plastic and laying down the soaker hose (also known as "drip tape).  Now before he puts the plastic down over the tape, he's got to cut holes into the plastic.  Why?  Well, that's where the plants are going to go in at.  After that, he will be laying the plastic on top of the hose, to help keep the weeds out.
You'll will see here below that the soaker hoses are already in place.  Go Papa! 
What's happening this weekend in your garden?  We want to hear from you?  Leave us a comment OR a question down below.  Happy Sunday!
-The Farmer's Assistant

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happy Saturday! Mounded Up & What's Happening

8:30 PM
We have had a lot going on these past few days...and I didn't realize that I had not been posting as we had been going all.  So stayed tuned as we be putting up a lot of brand new posts of brand new pics of all that is new with us! 
With that being said, here's what's happening around here today.  Okay, I have got to start with the little ones first... we've got two brand new guinea hens!  You read that right, and there just a few weeks old, and they're going to be joining our chickens.  Papa has got them in their own little box, set up with water and feeder (not pictured here) and they are ready to go. 
Next up: we're adding sweet potatoes to the list, among other things.  We've got watermelon, squash and cucumber to be planted.  And already have lots of tomato and pepper plants that are ready to be transplanted outdoors but what Papa did here was he went ahead and got everything mounded up.  Next comes, the soaker hoses, along with the plastic (covering the mounds), then the cardboard, then the mulch.
Stick're in for a treat.  Trust me!
From the Farmer's Assistant
Happy Saturday!