Friday, March 29, 2013

Back to Smooth it Out

1:28 PM

Our plowman is back!  And just like I promised you, he wasn't leaving the ground the way that he left it once it was "super plowed".  That was just time to give it, for everything to sort of "settle"  before he came back to smooth it out.  But he's back now y'all and we've got all of the nutrients every which way and the soil composition is in stellar postion thanks to a little bit of timing and the perfect plowing. 

Thanks for following our journey!
-The Farmer's Assistant

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Super Plodding

1:18 PM

So our plowman came by today and did a real job on this here garden.  He used a device on his plow that basically took all of the rich soil that was near the bottom and brought it to the top and took all of the finer dirt that was on the top and brought it back down to the bottom.  But don't worry, he won't be leaving it like this:)  He will be back to even it out.
Happy Gardening to You!
-The Farmer's Assistant


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Time to Plow-Up the Garden

1:13 PM

It is that time again.  You guessed it, right.  It's time to plow up the garden.  Winter is passed (well mostly) and we're getting ready to get things started here.  It's been a long drawn out cold and we all know that things don't grow when everything's cold and solid.  So it's time to have the ground broken up & that's what you see here.  Everything that was old is being dug up and we're getting ready with part one for Garden 2013.  Are you ready?  What is on your grow list for this year?
Happy Planning!
The Sparks'